Divin nectar

Base Divin Seltzer


  • 11cl DIVIN
  • 1,5cl of Bergamot Liqueur
  • 1,5cl ginger syrup
  • 1/2 fresh peach
  • Borage flower for decoration


  1. Take a large glass, balloon type to Spritz
  2. Pour ingredients into glass, add plenty of ice
  3. Mix with a spoon
  4. Decorate with a few borage flowers and enjoy!
Preparation time
Léa - la Boîte à CocktailsMixologue

At the end of 2012, Léa was introduced to mixology in London, the cradle of the cocktail scene. She then became head bartender at the Kult cocktail bar in Paris, before joining the BAC team in 2020 as a mixologist.

The Divin Nectar is refreshing, fruity and tangy – My favorites because very thirst-quenching and easy to make!

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